Words Build. Words Destroy!


“Words! What power they hold. Once they have rooted in your psyche, it is difficult to escape them. Words can shape the future of a child and destroy the existence of an adult.”

Vashti Quiroz-Vega

Words on a Limb is proud to announce the launch of its first picture-book:

Words Title - Regular
Written and Illustrated by Lora Rozler

Softcover MarketingIn this emotional and Hardcover Marketing
highly visual picture book,
a lonely letter sets off on a journey to find meaning.
As it encounters various letter combinations, it is confronted by two distinct paths and must make an important choice.

Readers of all ages will be captivated by this simple, yet high concept, story that explores universal themes of discovery, relationships and the need to belong, with an underlying message about bullying. Both timeless and original, Words is an evocative tale about how letters become words and words create meaning – meaning which could ultimately build or destroy.

“A compelling story-line, simple yet poignant illustrations, engaging language, a great read-aloud that offers many opportunities for reflection and discussion with children.”

“A heart-warming story with a clever, powerful message about anti-bullying. An absolute must-have
for every parent and educator.”

Available at all major online retailers including:



For a FREE Parent and Teacher Companion Kit, based on the book, Words

click on the image below

Resource PackPic

Attention all Mini-Artists: Join our Words-Through-Art Sketch Competition

IMG_20150707_180423Get out your sketch pads, sharpen those pencils, it’s time foIMG_20150707_171159r an Art Competition. Words on a Limb would like to invite readers (ages 6-10) to send in their best illustrations, capturing the essence of the picture-book, Words. The winner will receive a hardcover edition of Words and have their work featured on our site, as well as Lora Rozler’s author website.

All entries must be submitted to wordsonalimb@bell.net by August 15, 2015. Please indicate Art Competition in the subject line and specify the artist’s age in the email. The winner will be announced on August 22, 2015. Let the sketching begin!

4 thoughts on “Words Build. Words Destroy!

  1. WORDS is a powerful book on the power of words! Order your copy today on wordsonalimb.com website links. https://wordsonalimb.com/2015/…/08/words-build-words-destroy/ This well written story book challenges us with the powerful message to love though our words instead of destroying others. And it is by my esteemed colleague, kindie mentor, classroom neighbour & dear friend – the super creative, inspiringly artistic & uber talented Lora Rozler! ♥ your #1 fan smile emoticon

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WORDS is a powerful book on the power of words! Order your copy today on wordsonalimb.com website links. https://wordsonalimb.com/2015/…/08/words-build-words-destroy/ This well written story and picture book challenges our children, youth and adults alike with the powerful message about a choice of either – to love – by building one another up though our words – or – of choice words that can only put down and as a result hurt and destroy others. And it is by my esteemed colleague, kindie mentor, classroom neighbour & dear friend – the super creative, inspiringly artistic & uber talented Lora Rozler! ♥ her #1 fan 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. WORDS is a powerful book on the power of words! Order your copy today on wordsonalimb.com website links. https://wordsonalimb.com/2015/…/08/words-build-words-destroy/ This well written story and visually appealing picture book challenges our children, youth and adults alike with the powerful message about a choice of either to love by building one another up though our words or of choice words that can only put down and as a result hurt and potentially destroy others. And it is by my esteemed colleague, kindie mentor, classroom neighbour & dear friend – the super creative, inspiringly artistic & uber talented Lora Rozler! ♥ her #1 fan 🙂


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