Serenity – Artists on a Limb

birds-art-wordHello everyone and welcome back to Words on Art, where we invite artists and writers to collaborate and creatively blend brush strokes with words. We would like to thank Jessica for her successful writing submission, Sweet Oranges, chosen to complement Al Gord’s painting, titled A Changing Perspective. We would love to hear your feedback on this creative blend. Feel free to share your thoughts in the reply box below. Thank you Al and Jessica.


I watch you leave and I am helpless

For despite your plea to stop the rain

I can’t hold back the clouds.

Your boots are wet, your heart defeated

Sweet oranges leave a trail behind you.

Our next Artists on a Limb feature is one of my own works from high school (seems like forever ago). It is acrylic on canvass, titled Serenity.


We invite you to submit poems, captions, short stories and other words to capture the essence of the art. Please send your writing to (please include Words on Art in the subject line).

Artists, if you have an art piece you would like us to consider featuring on Artists on a Limb, please email us with Art Submission in the subject line. Please note, the art must be your original work.

Looking forward,
