Writing Art – Painting as a Vehicle for Communication

artistArt has always been an important aspect of my life, at times acting as a medium for self-expression and other times feeding a need for creative exploration. The beauty of art is the freedom it allows us to be completely ourselves, free of social constraints, insecurities, rules, etiquette; a freedom that is often not ours when communicating with words. There is a definite degree of rawness that comes with this kind of silent poetry, especially when we invite the world into this personal space.

I am excited to introduce a new Artists on a Limb writing series, Writing Art, where we explore this creative journey with my friend and very talented artist, Al Gord.

Thank you Al for sharing your work and allowing us into your world.

Painting as a Vehicle for Communication

Writing Art by Al Gord

“As communicators, artists should not just portray a subject. Their work should be a window to the thoughts and inner workings of their artist lives and minds.”

~ Elizabeth Azzolina

Trapped Within My Own Personal Chaos

Trapped Within My Own Personal Chaos


The essence of art, in any form, is to communicate with others. From the earliest times drawings, paintings, dance, acting, song, and oral story have been used to pass down history, share monumental events, and commemorate stories of personal value. Today the past is documented in many forms and allows for easy accessibility for people to learn about the past. For current events media outlets and social media allow for instantaneous news, stories of personal interest and important breaking events. However, there is still an important role for the arts to play in society and in giving voice to others.

When I first started painting I dabbled in watercolours and oils; I tried painting nature scenes and still life. None of this resonated with me! I gained experience looking at other artists’ work and reproducing their painting purely for my own enjoyment. While I derived some pleasure from re-creating other’s work, I always felt a void upon completing the piece. People would be impressed with “my work” and the positive response, while uplifting, still did not fill my artistic void. Continued practice helped me improve my technique and allowed me to see art from a different vantage point.

Over time and after a break from art I realized why I was not getting the enjoyment out of something for which I once had a passion: the essence of art, and of any creative pursuit, is to convey a message, an idea, an emotion. Without that the final product is empty. When an artist is sharing their innermost thoughts, their most personal feelings – their passion and their message comes across in the work. It was this shift in understanding, due in part to life circumstances, which helped my transition from someone who produced art to that of an artist – two very different creative types, both in style and mindset.

Everyone has a message to share, experiences to retell, and emotions to express. Some people find that talking to a trusted person in their life or journaling their ideas are enough. For others, the creative route is a powerful and transformative way to further express their ideas. While this requires some level of comfort in letting strangers in, it is also incredibly cathartic! Not only does the support the artist, but this experience allows other people to connect with and relate to the art and the artist.


Al Gord is an up and coming artist who uses abstract techniques with figurativism to create Modern Romantic Expressionist pieces and Rock Icon Portraitures.  To learn more about Al Gord and his work, visit him at the links below. He welcomes inquiries, questions and feedback.

InstagramLogo FBlogo Twitter_Icon_copy

Al Gord and Al Gord Art: All work is the creative and intellectual property of Al Gord and Al Gord Art. No part of my work (specific work, its electronic reproductions or its intellectual property) may be reproduced, copied, modified, transmitted, re-distributed or adapted, without the prior written consent of the artist, Al Gord. 

Serenity – Artists on a Limb

birds-art-wordHello everyone and welcome back to Words on Art, where we invite artists and writers to collaborate and creatively blend brush strokes with words. We would like to thank Jessica for her successful writing submission, Sweet Oranges, chosen to complement Al Gord’s painting, titled A Changing Perspective. We would love to hear your feedback on this creative blend. Feel free to share your thoughts in the reply box below. Thank you Al and Jessica.


I watch you leave and I am helpless

For despite your plea to stop the rain

I can’t hold back the clouds.

Your boots are wet, your heart defeated

Sweet oranges leave a trail behind you.

Our next Artists on a Limb feature is one of my own works from high school (seems like forever ago). It is acrylic on canvass, titled Serenity.


We invite you to submit poems, captions, short stories and other words to capture the essence of the art. Please send your writing to wordsonalimb@bell.net (please include Words on Art in the subject line).

Artists, if you have an art piece you would like us to consider featuring on Artists on a Limb, please email us with Art Submission in the subject line. Please note, the art must be your original work.

Looking forward,


Artists on a Limb – The Proposal

GravatarHello everyone and welcome back to Words on Art, where we invite artists and writers to collaborate and creatively blend brush strokes with words. We would like to thank Tammy for her successful writing submission, The Proposal, chosen to complement Jana’s painting, Peach and Bear. We would love to hear your feedback on this creative blend – please share your thoughts in the reply box in the bottom of the post. Thank you Jana and Tammy.


The Proposal

I held your hand here a thousand times and caressed you as we walked.

We shared our fears, our past, our hurt, and then erased the memory of them.

We spoke of wishes, hopes and dreams – oh, how I long to build them with you.

To spend my life right next to you is what I want to do.  

No step alone.  No life without you.  

Will you marry me?

4th Floor-watermarkedOur next Artist on a Limb submission comes from Emily Page. It is a 70″ x 48″ oil on canvas, titled 4th Floor. Thanks Emily it was nice to connect with you!

Read more about Emily:

DSC_0213  Facebook wordpress-logo-circle

Writers, please submit your poems, captions, short stories and other words to capture the essence of the art to wordsonalimb@bell.net (with Words on Art in the subject line).

Artists, if you have a piece you would like us to consider featuring on Artists on a Limb, please email us with Art Submission in the subject line. Please note, the art must be your original work.

Looking forward,


Artists on a Limb – Mi Amante

GravatarWelcome back to Words on Art, where we invite artists and writers to collaborate and creatively blend brush strokes with words. We would like to thank Steven H. for his successful writing submission, chosen to complement Jasmine’s untitled art sketch. Let us know what you think by sharing your thoughts in the Reply box below. Thank you Steven and Jasmine.


Mi Amante

The sound of waves crashing stirs my sleepy thoughts. Is it my phone’s ocean sound alarm at home, or perhaps the real thing in a far way continent?

In the deep recesses of my mind, a little process begins;  deciphering the randomness of the water crashing, the deep timber roar of the ocean, the lush feel of the fabric that makes the pillow case under my head at this moment. Then there is the salty smell of the sea in the air, something you can definitely not duplicate. Little sub-routines in my brain begin processing the information and the result makes me smile wide inside my dreamy mind.

Memories start pouring in, you getting dressed for our trip, your big brown eyes wide with excitement, your long hair resplendent. The luxurious plane ride, the stylish car sent to pick us up from the Barcelona airport, and finally the arrival at the villa. 

Your smile fills my half-waking dreams, when you opened the curtains and saw the Mediterranean Sea stretching out as far as the eye could see, the way you turned and kissed me with excitement.  These are all cup-overflowing feelings of bliss that greet me this morning.

Our next Artist on a Limb submission comes from Jana.  The name of the art piece is Peach and Bear.  Writers, please submit your poems, captions, short stories and other words to capture the essence of the art.

Send your work to wordsonalimb@bell.net, with Words on Art in the subject line.


If you have an art piece you would like us to consider for Artists on a Limb, please email us with Art Submission in the subject line. Please note, the art must be your original work.

Thanks everyone – looking forward, as always.



Everything is a Blur – Artists on a Limb

GravatarHello everyone, welcome back to Words on Art. 

We have chosen words to go along with Irene’s painting submission Venus. We had asked you to submit your words and captions and we’ve gone through the entries and have chosen a successful submission. Thank you to all who participated.  We would like to present Hernán’s words. Enjoy!

Thank you for your submission Hernán.

And just like that, you are gone
The emptiness is deafening
A harpoon has left a jagged hole in my chest
I am locked in a tomb.

Where has it gone wrong? What was said? Where did the end, begin?
It’s so quiet. I can’t see clearly, I can’t feel my arms, my legs, my soul.
I’m an emptied vessel, thrown out after use.
Everything is a blur.

For our next art piece, we are showcasing Jasmine’s sketch. Thank you for your submission! It is an untitled piece.


We are once again inviting readers to capture the essence of the art by submitting writing pieces (captions, poems, short narratives, etc).

To participate, please submit your words on art to wordsonalimb@bell.net. Please write Words on Art in the subject line.  If you have an art piece that you would like us to consider for our next showcase, please feel free to email us a picture.

Please note that the art pieces must be your own creation.

Looking forward to your next Words on Art.


Silent Battle – Artists on a Limb

GravatarHello everyone, welcome back to Words on Art. 

Here is the last art piece we featured on Artists on a Limb. We had asked you to submit your words and captions to capture the essence of the art and were very pleased with the feedback we received.  Thank you to all who participated.  We would like to showcase the beautiful words sent to us by Aisha.

Thank you for your submission Aisha.

Silent Battle

I sit here in a crowded room,
And I am so alone.

I hear the voices of strangers,
Yet the silence is deafening.

For our next art piece, we are showcasing the work of Irene Berkovsky. Thank you Irene for your submission!

We are once again inviting readers to capture the essence of the art by submitting writing pieces (captions, poems, short narratives, etc).

To participate, please submit your words on art to wordsonalimb@bell.net. Please write Words on Art in the subject line.  If you have an art piece that you would like us to consider for our next showcase, please feel free to email us a picture.

Please note that the art pieces must be your own creation.

Looking forward to your next Words on Art.


Creative Commons License
Venus by Irene Berkovsky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Artists on a Limb – Shades of Perfection

GravatarHello and welcome to our newest feature, Artists on a Limb.

On occasion we will post some art pieces and invite you to write a caption that captures the essence of the image. 

Thank you Carl for capturing our first Words on Art.

girl in tree-Recovered

I wake.  

Slowly I turn over in bed hoping to catch
a glimpse of the centre of my world.
She is not there.
For a nanosecond, dread overcomes me
as dark memories of a similar nightmare
run through my mind.
But just as quickly, the fear vanishes
as I see your bare back stretched
in front of the villa’s bay window.
I take a mental picture.

The sun is shining, almost through you.
The curtains are swaying in the breeze,
enveloping you as if reading my mind.
Your hair is calm beneath an elegant sombrero.
Interesting shadows hit your body in odd places,
calling attention to all your shades of perfection.
I drink it all in, enjoying every moment.
As always, you sense me around you
and I see a smile break.

Here is our next art piece.  Let’s get creative.  Send in your captions, writing pieces, poems, to wordsonalimb@bell.net.  The selected entry will be posted in our next Words on Art feature.


Sad girl

Have a great week!


Creative Commons License
Shades of Perfection by Lora Rozler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.