Happy Passover / Happy Easter

easter_passoverWords on a Limb would like to wish everyone who is celebrating, a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter!
May your homes be filled with endless joy and delight.

In honour of the holidays we would like to share traditional Passover and Easter soup recipes – light and delicious for spring-time.

Here is a wonderful Matza Ball recipe, courtesy of Paula.

Favourite Matza-Ball Soup

This is a family favourite Matza-ball soup recipe. It is simple to make and will have guests lingering around the kitchen volunteering to do taste tests. Put on your apron and let’s begin.

To make Matza balls, combine:

  • 2 cups of Matza mealIMG_20140416_183824
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt

Mix until you get a thick pasty consistency.  Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes to solidify.

In the meantime, chop and fry onions in a little bit of oil, using a pot big enough for the portion you’d like to make.

IMG_20140416_183833To make the soup, grate and combine 1 of each of the following: carrot, zucchini, turnip, sweet potato.

Mix the vegetable with very little water, letting it steam.  While they are cooking, continue making the Matza balls.

Using wet hands, roll Matza ball mixture into one-inch balls.  IMG_20140416_191223In a wide pan, boil water, adda dash of salt, 1 tablespoon of oil, and cook a few of the balls at a time (not to overcrowd pan). When the balls rise to the top (about 5 minutes), scoop them out. Continue until all are done.

IMG_20140416_194133When vegetables in soup pot are tender, add enough boiling water to go just below rim.  Season the soup with 2-3 tablespoons of chicken seasoning mix. Add additional seasoning to your liking, including paprika, turmeric powder, and salt.

Let the soup simmer for another 30 minutes. Once ready, serve with as many Matza balls in each bowl as you like.IMG_20140416_194258

Warning: make plenty.  Enjoy with or without Matza crumbs or soup croutons.


Here is a scrumptious Easter Soup submitted to us by Gloria.

Easter Soup


For the broth:

  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • 1 pound lean beef, cut into 10 to 12 cubes
  • 1 pound lamb, shoulder or breast, cut into 6 to 8 pieces
  • 1 medium onion
  • 6 whole cloves
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 2 stalks celery, with leaves
  • 2 sprigs fresh Italian parsley
  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 1 branch fresh rosemary
  • Cold water

To assemble the soup:

  • 6 large egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh marjoram
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh Italian parsley
  • 6 toasted bread rounds
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Juice of 1 small lemon
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • Freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano


  1. In a large, heavy stockpot, heat a few tablespoons of meat-raw-beefolive oil. Season the beef pieces with salt and pepper, and add them to the oil. Let the beef brown on both sides. Cut the onion in half; stud each half with 3 cloves. Cut the celery and carrots into chunks add them to the pot with chopped-vegetablesthe onion, the herbs, and 3 quarts cold water. Let broth come to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer. Skim off any gray foam that forms on top; simmer soup for one hour. Add the lamb pieces; simmer the broth for another hour, skimming as needed.
  2. Allow broth to cool to room temperature; strain off and discard the solids. (You canHerbs save the meat for a delicious salad: Shred the meat finely and dress with olive oil, red wine vinegar, minced red onion, chopped capers, fresh parsley, salt, and pepper—terrific on top of toasted bread rubbed with a little garlic.) The broth can be made a day ahead of time and refrigerated overnight.
  3. When you are ready to serve the soup, bring the broth to a boil, then turn off the heat 6a00d8358081ff69e2017c3701126a970b-800wiand let it sit in the pot for about 3 minutes. Taste for seasoning and add salt if necessary. It is important that the broth is hot, but not boiling, which would curdle the egg yolks. Place a warm, toasted round of bread, dribbled with some extra-virgin olive oil, in the bottom of each soup bowl.
  4. Place the 6 egg yolks in a warm soup tureen; whisk them20080316-eggz-thumb lightly with the minced fresh marjoram and parsley, a few grinds of pepper, recipe-2647and the lemon juice. Slowly ladle in the hot broth,whisking simultaneously to prevent the egg yolks from curdling. Immediately ladle the soup into the bowls and over the bread; grate plenty of Parmigiano-Reggiano over the top.

5069daef74c5b64af3000788._w.1500_s.fit_Enjoy your soup!

On behalf of our team at Words on a Limb, we hope your holidays are full of heartfelt moments with family. Please feel free to share your holiday recipes in the comment section.
