Writing Art – The Underlying Role of Art and the Artist

The Underlying Role of Art and the Artist

Writing Art by Al Gord


“Politicians don’t bring people together. Artists do.”
Richard Daley


art-as-givingThe role an artist plays varies, based on subject matter, audience and intent of the work. Whether the artist intends to inspire, raise awareness or even provoke – artists also need to actively make a positive difference. Sometimes that is achieved merely by the subject matter and how it moves and connects others. On a more intentional level it is about giving back to society and supporting important causes.

When others think about artists, they may think about creative types producing works; pieces based on personal experience or themes of personal interest. Synonymous with this is the notion that the role of the artist is to maintain a sense of culture within society. While elements of this notion may be true, the role of the artist has been and continues to be far more than just as a cultural catalyst.

Everyone has a role to play in society, to help others, to be part of a bigger cause. As an artist I feel that it is part of my social responsibility to support causes, which may not be as well known, but which help others in need. The last few years have afforded me these opportunities through art exhibits.we-can-be-heroes-just-for-one-day

we Can be heroes (just for one day) by Al Gord

In the fall of 2015 I was fortunate enough to be part of the ‘Touched by Fire’ art show in Toronto supporting the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario (MDAO). MDAO offers support programs for individuals throughout Ontario and their families, who are living with depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder. In the spring of 2016 I participated in the Twitter Art Exhibit, held in New York, to support Foster Pride, an organization supporting young women in foster care. This upcoming spring I am participating in another Twitter Art exhibit, this time in the United Kingdom, to support Molly Olly’s Wishes for children who are seriously or terminally ill.

I feel fortunate that I get to do something I love and help others in the process. While art is my vehicle for giving back, there are unlimited opportunities for individuals. I encourage everyone to look for active opportunities to make a difference. Find a way to combine your passion with a wonderful cause; the sense of satisfaction you receive will be something truly meaningful.

Al Gord is an up and coming artist who has been featured in Niji Magazine. He uses abstract techniques with figurativism to create Rock Icon Portraitures and Modern Romantic (Uninhibited) Expressionist pieces. Al also creates pieces which focus on mental health awareness and advocacy. Regardless of the subject matter, his signature style is clearly recognizable. His work is showcased on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, where he welcomes inquiries, questions, and feedback.

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Al Gord and Al Gord Art: All work is the creative and intellectual property of Al Gord and Al Gord Art. No part of my work (specific work, its electronic reproductions or its intellectual property) may be reproduced, copied, modified, transmitted, re-distributed or adapted, without the prior written consent of the artist, Al Gord.